Setting up a company in Dubai mainland offers incredible opportunities for entrepreneurs. Dubai, known for its strategic location, robust economy, and business-friendly regulations, is ideal for business growth. With over 3,000 business activities to choose from and the freedom to trade both locally and internationally, mainland companies in Dubai enjoy significant advantages.

The Department of Economic Development (DED) licenses a mainland company in Dubai, giving it unrestricted access to local and international markets. This article will explain the benefits of setting up a business on the mainland and guide you through the process with QUICKDCC Documents Clearing Services. Understanding these insights will help you succeed in one of the world’s most dynamic economies, whether you are a new entrepreneur or an established business owner.

Advantages of Company Formation in Dubai Mainland

Guide to Opening a Company in Dubai Mainland

· Select Your Business Activity

Selecting your business activity is crucial in setting up a mainland company in Dubai. With over 2,000 options provided by the Department of Economic Development (DED), ranging from trading to manufacturing, you can align your business with market demands and emerging trends. Unlike free zone businesses, mainland companies have greater flexibility, allowing you to explore diverse or niche markets. This choice affects your current operations and shapes your long-term growth in Dubai’s dynamic economy.

How To Open A Company In Dubai Mainland?

· Select the Ideal Location for Your UAE Business

After choosing your business activity, the next step is to select the optimal location for your operations. Mainland businesses in the UAE have no restrictions on where they can be based. Factors like your budget and business needs will guide your choice. Setting up near significant ports such as Jebel Ali or Mina Zayed can benefit companies involved in imports and exports. Additionally, the mainland setup in Dubai allows for easy expansion with multiple branch offices, enabling you to grow your local presence over time.

· Decide on Your Business Legal Structure

Foreign entrepreneurs can choose from several business structures on the UAE mainland. The most common is the Limited Liability Company (LLC), an independent legal entity owned by two or more shareholders. To trade under a commercial or industrial license, an LLC is required and must have a local sponsor. However, professional service companies can be 100% foreign-owned and do not require a local sponsor.

· Secure a Local Sponsor or Service Agent

Partnering with a local sponsor or service agent is essential for setting up a mainland business in Dubai. A UAE national sponsor helps navigate regulations while protecting your interests. Although their 51% ownership may seem limited, solutions like QUICKDCC’s Corporate Nominee services provide complete operational control. For professional companies, appointing a Local Service Agent (LSA) simplifies things as they handle administrative tasks without holding shares. It allows you to focus on growth while ensuring smooth regulatory interactions, maximizing opportunities in Dubai’s vibrant market.

· Name your company

Choosing a trade name for your company in the UAE is a strategic decision that shapes your brand identity. Ensure the name complies with local regulations, avoiding offensive language, religious references, or links to existing organizations. Personal names can enhance your brand by reflecting heritage or expertise. Consider how the name sounds in different languages in a multicultural environment like Dubai to ensure it resonates well. A well-chosen name that aligns with local guidelines and your company’s mission is crucial for business success in Dubai.

· Obtain a Mainland Trade License

To obtain a mainland trade license in Dubai, ensure all required documents are thoroughly prepared. You’ll need the primary application form and the memorandum of sponsor arrangements detailing local sponsors’ roles and foreign investors’ roles. Clarifying partner ownership percentages and having each shareholder’s visa documentation is crucial for compliance. Meeting these requirements can streamline your business setup and foster growth in Dubai’s vibrant market. Incomplete or inaccurate documentation may delay approval, so meticulous organization is essential.

· Secure Your Office Space

The next step is securing office space after getting your business trading license. In the UAE mainland, serviced offices are popular because a third party manages them and comes fully equipped with desks, internet, phone access, and reception services. Lease payments usually cover rent, office equipment, and utilities. Alternatively, a “shell and core” office requires a complete fit-out and decoration, with additional utility costs. A middle-ground option is a pre-fitted office space, where you provide your equipment and pay utilities separately.

· Obtain the Necessary Visas

There’s no limit in the UAE on the number of visas you can apply for, but it should match your office space, typically 100 sq. ft. per visa. Some businesses, like remote cleaning services, may need less space than those in textiles or manufacturing. As a business owner, you can sponsor visas for your family and domestic staff, such as maids or drivers. Foreign entrepreneurs can get an investment visa, allowing them and their families to live and work in the UAE for up to 2 years.

· Partner with a Company Setup Consultant

Starting a mainland company in the UAE can be tricky. A local consultant, such as QUICKDCC Documents Clearing Services, can make it easier by guiding you through the legal steps and aligning with your business goals. It helps streamline the process and boosts confidence when launching your Dubai business.

Transitioning from a Free Zone to a Mainland Business Setup in Dubai

We’re here to assist if your business operates within a free zone and you’re considering shifting to a mainland company setup. Over 30,000 businesses are running from the top three UAE free zones. Free zones are great for starting, offering easy setup and various business benefits. However, they have limitations, especially when you’re ready to grow. Moving to a mainland company can be crucial to your business’s success. With the help of a UAE national sponsor or a company formation expert, making this switch can be straightforward and intelligent.


Switching from a free zone to a mainland company in Dubai opens up numerous opportunities for growth and expansion. With the ability to trade locally and internationally, secure government contracts, and enjoy flexible visa options, mainland companies offer significant advantages over free zone setups. Entrepreneurs can ensure a smooth transition by following a structured process that includes selecting a suitable business activity, choosing an ideal location, securing a local sponsor, and obtaining the necessary licenses and visas. Partnering with experienced company formation consultants can further simplify this process, allowing you to focus on growing your business in one of the world’s most dynamic economies.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I open a company in Dubai mainland?

To open a company in Dubai mainland, follow these steps:

Select your business activity.
Choose an optimal location for your operations.
Decide on your business legal structure (e.g., LLC).
Secure a local sponsor or service agent.
Choose a trade name for your company.
Obtain a mainland trade license from the Department of Economic Development (DED).
Secure office space.
Apply for necessary visas.
Partner with a company setup consultant for guidance.

What are the advantages of setting up a business on the mainland of Dubai?

Ability to trade with other mainland entities in Dubai and UAE:

There is no minimum capital requirement.
Freedom to operate throughout the UAE and internationally.
Access to a wide range of business activities.
Flexibility in choosing office locations.
There are no currency restrictions.
Eligibility for government contracts.
Flexible visa options based on office space.
Full repatriation of capital and profits.
No requirement for annual audits.

What is the cost of forming a company in Dubai mainland?

The cost of forming a company in Dubai mainland varies depending on business activity, location, office space, and license type. Consulting with a company formation expert can provide a detailed cost breakdown tailored to your needs.

What is a mainland company in Dubai?

A mainland company in Dubai is a business entity licensed by the Department of Economic Development (DED) that allows unrestricted access to the local and international markets. Mainland companies can engage in various business activities and operate freely throughout the UAE.

What is the Dubai mainland license?

The Dubai mainland license is a permit issued by the DED that allows a business to operate within the UAE mainland, providing access to the local market and enabling the company to trade internationally.

What is a holding company in Dubai mainland?

A holding company on the mainland of Dubai is a business entity that owns shares in other companies. It does not engage in operational activities but manages the investments and controls the companies it owns.

How does transitioning from a free zone to a mainland company work?

Transitioning from a free zone to a mainland company involves:

Evaluating your business needs and growth plans.
Securing a UAE national sponsor or a company formation expert.
Closing or modifying your free zone company setup.
Applying for a mainland trade license.
Setting up the required office space and infrastructure.
Transferring visas and other necessary documentation.

Why should I consider setting up a business on the mainland of Dubai?

Setting up a business in Dubai mainland offers:

Greater flexibility in business operations.
Access to local and international markets.
Opportunities for government contracts.
There are no restrictions on office location and currency use.
Potential for business growth and expansion.

What are the visa requirements for a Dubai mainland business setup?

The number of visas you can apply for is flexible and depends on your office space. Typically, 100 sq. ft. per visa is required. Business owners can also sponsor visas for their family and domestic staff.

Do I need a local sponsor to open a mainland company in Dubai?

Yes, most mainland companies require a local sponsor who holds 51% of the shares. However, professional service companies can be 100% foreign-owned without a local sponsor.

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