Getting a maid visa in Dubai requires careful attention and the correct documents. Each document is essential for a smooth application process, from passport photos to salary certificates. Imagine being ready to welcome a new helper into your home but getting stuck because of missing or incorrect paperwork. In this article will guide you through the essential documents needed to sponsor a maid in Dubai. So, grab your checklist and ensure you have everything you need to quickly bring domestic help into your bustling home.

Eligibility for Sponsoring a Maid in Dubai

Before diving into the documentation, it’s essential to confirm your eligibility. Here are the basic requirements:

Basic Requirements for Sponsors

Financial Criteria

Housing Requirements

Essential Documents for Maid Visa Application

Let’s break down the key documents you need for a maid visa application:

Filled Visa Application Form

This is the starting point of your application. Ensure all details are accurate and up-to-date.

Non-relationship Affidavit (if applicable)

If the maid shares your nationality but is unrelated, you must provide a non-relationship affidavit.

Visa and Passport Copies

You must submit copies of both the sponsor’s and the maid’s visas and passports.

Passport Photos

Recent passport-sized photos of both the sponsor and the maid are required.

Sponsor’s Documentation

As a sponsor, you’ll need to prove your financial stability and employment status:

Salary Certificate

Obtain this from your employer, detailing your monthly income.

Three-Month Bank Statement

This verifies your financial status and ability to sponsor a maid.

Labor Contract Copy

A copy of your employment contract is necessary.

Housing Documentation

To prove you have suitable accommodation for a maid, you’ll need:

Two-Bedroom Tenancy Contract

Submit a copy of your tenancy contract to show you have adequate living space.

Ejari Copy (Tenancy Contract Registration)

Ensure your tenancy contract is registered with Ejari.

Maid’s Documentation

Your maid also needs to provide specific documents:

Passport Copy

A clear copy of the maid’s passport is required.

Medical Fitness Certificate from Home Country

This certificate should confirm that the maid is medically fit to work.

Documents Required For Maid Visa In Dubai

Health Insurance

Health Insurance Card of the Sponsor

The sponsor must have a valid health insurance card.

Health Insurance Requirements for the Maid

Ensure the maid is covered by health insurance, either through your policy or a separate one.

Additional Documents

Some additional documents might be needed:

DEWA Bill Copy (Utility Registration)

This can serve as proof of residence.

Marriage Certificate (if applicable)

If the sponsor is married, a marriage certificate might be required.

Agency-Specific Requirements

Different agencies might have unique requirements. For instance:

Other Agencies’ Potential Additional Documents

Steps to Apply for a Maid Visa

Here’s a step-by-step process to apply for a maid visa:

Filling Out the Application Form

Ensure all details are filled out correctly. Mistakes can lead to delays.

Submission Process

Submit the form along with all required documents to the relevant authorities or through an agency.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To avoid delays, be mindful of these common mistakes:

Incomplete Forms

Double-check that all sections of the application form are filled out.

Incorrect Information

Ensure all information matches the official documents.

Tips for a Smooth Application Process

Here are some tips to make the process smoother:

Double-Checking Documents

Before submission, verify all documents are complete and accurate.

Keeping Copies of Everything

Keep copies of all documents submitted for your records.

Renewal and Cancellation of Maid Visa

It’s essential to understand the renewal and cancellation processes:

Renewal Process

The maid visa needs to be renewed annually. Start the process before the current visa expires.

Cancellation Procedure

If you no longer require the maid’s services, follow the procedure to cancel the visa.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I sponsor a maid if I live in a one-bedroom apartment?

Typically, it would help if you had at least a two-bedroom apartment to sponsor a maid.

How long does the visa process take?

The process can take a few weeks, depending on the completeness of your documents and the efficiency of the processing agency.

What if my maid fails the medical fitness test?

The maid must pass the medical fitness test to obtain the visa. If she fails, the visa application will be denied.

Can I change the maid after obtaining the visa?

Yes, but you must go through the visa cancellation and reapplication process for the new maid.

What are the costs involved in sponsoring a maid?

Costs can vary but typically include visa fees, health insurance, and agency fees if applicable.


Sponsoring a maid visa in Dubai involves meticulous preparation and documentation. By ensuring you have all the necessary documents and following the correct procedures, you can smoothly bring domestic help into your bustling home. Keep this guide handy, double-check your paperwork, and you’ll be well on your way to welcoming your new helper.

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